Enabling Futures
This website hosts a wide range of resources for students with disabilities their parents and schools to support them in identifying post-school aspirations, choices and pathways to Further/Higher education and Training and to the world of work.

Find all information resources in the three sections below:

“Just because you might be impaired in a way or even like, to have some form of weakness, doesn’t mean you can’t do what you want when you’re older.”
“I think my daughter is entitled to choices. Of course she is. And like all of our kids are, so why shouldn’t they have them the same as anyone else? They can contribute to society if they’re allowed to. If they’re encouraged and pushed, of course they should be.”

“Why can’t our young people work? Why can’t they? Why can’t they do the things they’re good at, and do them in a work environment? They can do them here, so why can’t they do them in a work environment? We’ve denied them that human right, that feeling that they’re doing something that’s worthwhile, and that they’re achieving . . . Or that they have a purpose.”